
Staying Cool

クレジットV4, David, Hiro and M3 - I don't have room for all the credits but thanks to Maku for the M3 bikini briefs, Adzan for Ode Hose (on Hiro, retextured) Pretty 3d for Lassie of the Sea,Play with Poser for Extreme8 swimsuit and badmoon for the seaside background :)
コメントEveryone has their own way of enjoying the summer... :D

Raven とても不思議な絵ですね。パラソルもゴシックなのが良いです(^^
okkun 日焼けがいやなのかな?
mato 黒いビーチパラソルがとても印象的です。UVカット100%?